Rent & Arrears

Rent & Arrears

This statement explains our policy and procedures for the collection of rent, payment delays, payment plans and how rent arrears are pursued.

Rent cannot be witheld for any reason unless statutory housing law changes.

It provides clarity and transparency on tenants legal obligations to pay rent due and accommod8’s delegated authority to collect it.

accommod8 is an agent and we work for a variety of private landlords and investors. We have authority from the landlord to collect rent and manage all aspects of the tenancy. We take most decisions on the landlords behalf following our established protocols.

The landlord has statutory responsibility for any legal action against tenants and/or guarantors but will act on accommod8’s advice. All communications must be with accommod8, we do not supply landlords contact details.

The following explains the terms of tenancy and our approach to collecting rent and pursuing rent arrears:

  • As an agent, working for private landlords, we are unable to offer rent rebates during the pandemic.
  • Under the terms of the Tenancy Agreement, three rent payments are due in each tenancy year – 1 October, 1 January and 1 April.
  • If any tenant has not supplied a Guarantor Agreement the full years rent is due on 1 July at the start of each annual tenancy.
  • Rent should be paid on the due date by tenants through the Tenant Portal Account. The amount due is stated on the account.
  • We send rent reminders to all tenants 7 days before the rent is due. If tenants have a genuine problem paying the rent in full on the due date, they must contact us by email BEFORE the due date.
  • We may consider a short payment delay if proof of a late or delayed loan is provided. Payment delays will not extend pass the month it is due.
  • Any request for a payment plan due to exceptional circumstances will be referred to the landlord but in any event will be for a maximum of 3 months from the due date.
  • ALL debtors will receive ALL the following automated correspondence regardless of payment delays or plans being agreed.
  • At 7 days overdue – a rent reminder is sent to the tenant.
  • At 14 days overdue – a rent demand is issued to the tenant and guarantor.
  • After 14 days overdue – tenants will be called for immediate payment. Guarantors will be called for payment if tenants cannot be contacted.
  • At 21 days overdue – a Notice of Intention of Court Action, Court Claim Form (N1) and Court Guidance for Defendants (N1C and N1D) will be issued to the tenant and their guarantor. We will also notify ALL tenants on the Tenancy Agreement and their guarantors of the escalating situation.
  • At 28 days overdue – Court Claim Form (N1) will be completed and forwarded to the landlord to seek legal advice before submitting the claim to the County Court Money Claim Centre. A claim may be made jointly against the tenant and guarantor or other tenants and theit guarantors.
  • Interest will be added to the debt in line with the Bank of England Base Rate.